Our Mission
CASA of Clackamas County recruits, trains, and supports court appointed special advocates: community volunteers who advocate for the best interest of children in the foster care system who need safe, permanent homes.
Our Vision
We envision a world where children who experience abuse and neglect are given the opportunity to thrive.
Our Values
Justice is achieved when those who work on behalf of children in foster care have their best interests at heart. Equity, inclusion, diversity, and belonging are key components of Justice.
The sum is greater than the parts. Through listening and candor, perspectives and vital information are shared. Everyone takes accountability for their words and actions.
Through action, great change is possible. People and communities should strive for the best versions of themselves.
Relationships are core to the human experience. Meaningful connection inspires, energizes, and advances every aspect of CASA of Clackamas County’s mission.
our county’s history
CASA of Clackamas County has operated a successful, outcome-based program in Clackamas County since 1993. We operate the only program in the county that recruits, trains, and supervises community volunteers who are authorized by the court to advocate for children placed in foster care due to abuse and neglect.
Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASAs) are a special kind of volunteer.
Our volunteers contact caseworkers, interview parents and other family members, ensure children receive necessary medical care, look out for educational interests, and make recommendations in court regarding the permanent placement of the child. Most importantly, they serve as a constant person for that child to count on during a very tumultuous time.
Our program started with two volunteers who served four children. In our most recently closed fiscal year (2019-2020) 170 volunteer advocates served 367 children. Currently, more than 121 children who could benefit from the guidance of a volunteer advocate are on our waiting list. Our overriding goal is to serve ALL of the children in our community who need an advocate’s help.
In 1976, Superior Court Judge David Soukup of Seattle, WA saw a recurring problem in his courtroom:
"In criminal and civil cases, even though there were always many different points of view, you walked out of the courthouse at the end of the day and you said, 'I've done my best; I can live with this decision," he explains.
"But when you're involved with a child and you're trying to decide what to do to facilitate that child's growth into a mature and happy adult, you don't feel like you have sufficient information to allow you to make the right decision. You can't walk away and leave them at the courthouse at 4 o'clock. You wonder, 'Do I really know everything I should? Have I really been told all the different things? Is this really right?'"
To ensure he was getting all the facts, and long-term welfare of each child was being represented, the Seattle judge came up with an idea that would change America's judicial procedure and the lives of thousands of children. He obtained funding to recruit and train community volunteers to step into the courtroom on behalf of the children: the Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteers.
“As a judge, I had to make tough decisions, I had to decide whether to take a child from the only home he’s ever known, or leave him someplace where he might possibly be abused. I needed someone who could tell me what was best for that child from the child’s viewpoint. That’s what a CASA does.”
This unique concept was implemented in Seattle as a pilot program in January 1977. During that first year, the program provided 110 trained CASA volunteers for 498 children in 376 dependency cases. As CASA projects began to develop, the National Court Appointed Special Advocate Association was formed in 1982 to direct CASA's emerging national presence, now called: National Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA)/Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) Association for Children.
Today, the National Court Appointed Special Advocate Guardian Ad Litem Association for Children represents more than 948 CASA programs in 49 states, Washington, D.C., and the U.S. Virgin Islands. It provides support for starting programs, technical assistance, training, fundraising, media, and public awareness services.
Since its creation in 1977, CASA has had a dramatic impact on the nation's court system. Programs often differ from one jurisdiction to another, with varying operation methods and sources of funding. CASA is known at the local level by a variety of other names. Some examples are: Voices for Children, ProKids, or Guardian Ad Litem (GAL). However, in all states the CASA volunteer is a monitor, providing research and background, and following through on each case to see that the court's recommendations are carried out.
This website is supported by an award of the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Neither the US Department of Justice nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website.